Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op (PIE&G) Holds 86th Annual Meeting in Posen

October 28, 2023 – Presque Isle Electric Gas Co-op (PIE&G) conducted its 86th annual meeting in Posen on Friday, October 27, 2023. CEO Tom Sobeck states, “The annual meeting exemplifies cooperative principles in action. Cooperatives are democratic entities controlled and owned by their members, each possessing equal voting rights – one member, one vote. Cooperatives operate democratically.”

Every year, elections are conducted to fill three (3) PIE&G Board of Directors positions. Following the tally of all votes, the successful candidates who secured election to three-year terms (2023-2026) are as follows: John F. Brown (incumbent, Cheboygan District), Christopher Nagel (Montmorency District), and Allan Berg (incumbent, Presque Isle District). The vote count for each candidate is as follows:

Cheboygan District:

  • John F. Brown: 1,224 votes
  • Micheal L Schultz M.D.: 354 votes

Montmorency District:

  • Christopher Nagel: 704 votes
  • Charles Arbour: 502 votes
  • John Burr: 386 votes

Presque Isle District:

  • Allan Berg: 978 votes
  • Linda Dymond: 384 votes
  • Greg Roznowski: 294 votes

A proposed amendment to the bylaws related to the number of required director candidates was approved by a vote of 1,394 yes/126 no. Immediately following the meeting, the board of directors conducted their election of officers, yielding the following results: Chair – Allan Berg; Vice Chair – John F. Brown; Secretary – Sandy Borowicz; and Treasurer – Brentt Lucas

Brian J. from Hillman was awarded a $100 bill credit for casting their vote by mail. In other business, members were presented with reports from the cooperative’s auditing firm and the Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Sobeck.

About Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op (PIE&G):

PIE&G offers electric and natural gas services to approximately 32,000 members in northeastern Michigan. In 2021, PIE&G launched a new fiber division, PIE&G Connect, dedicated to providing high-speed internet access to members and relocated operations to its new headquarters and member service center in Onaway. The founding cooperative, which set its first electric poles in 1937, initially served about 82 members. Today, PIE&G is one of Presque Isle County’s largest employers, with over 100 permanent employees serving roughly 35,200 electric meters and 13,200 natural gas meters. Since 1998, the PIE&G Communities First Fund has contributed nearly $2 million in local grants and scholarships. For more information, please visit


Thomas Sobeck

19831 M-68 Hwy., P O Box 308

Onaway, Michigan 49765
