Board of Directors

Sandy Borowicz

Cheboygan District

Director Peterson

Daryl Peterson

Vice Chairman
Montmorency District

Sally Knopf, Director

Sally L. Knopf

At Large

Brentt Lucas, Director

Brentt Lucas

Alpena District

Director Brown

John F. Brown

Cheboygan District

Director Krajniak

Kurt Krajniak

Alpena District

Director Wozniak

Raymond Wozniak

Presque Isle District

Gerald Smigelski

Presque Isle District

Christopher Nagel

Montmorency District

Helpful Board Information

As a cooperative, PIE&G is guided by a board of directors elected by and from its membership. The nine-member board sets policy and directs PIE&G’s President/CEO. Directors are elected to staggered three-year terms in conjunction with the annual annual meeting.

Members voted to approve several bylaw amendments at the October 2021, October 2023, and November 2024 annual meeting. The amended version of the bylaws may be viewed by clicking here.

Voting & Running for the Board

Voting and Mail Ballot Procedures

Please refer to the bylaws for more details.

Each member is entitled to one vote on matters presented at member meetings. Decisions require a majority vote of those voting in person or by mail unless otherwise specified by law, the Co-op’s articles of incorporation, or bylaws.

Voting by Mail

Members may vote by mail on propositions, motions, or resolutions when a ballot is provided by the Secretary as per the bylaws. This includes director elections and Board-submitted motions or resolutions. The Secretary must include the ballot text in the meeting notice and provide members with a ballot and a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope. All members received ballots in the Country Line Magazine.

To vote by mail:

• Complete and sign the ballot (for joint memberships, either member may sign).

• Enclose the ballot in the provided envelope and return it to the Secretary at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Ballots and envelopes are sent to all members through the Country Lines Magazine.

Members who vote by mail cannot vote again in person on the same matters. However, they may vote in person on issues not included in the mail ballot.

To vote in person:

If they have not mailed in their ballot or previously voted, members may receive a ballot and vote in person after showing identification at check-in at the Annual Meeting. Annual meeting dates and times are announced through social media, email, on bills, through mailed and emailed newsletters, and through the Michigan Country Lines Magazine.

Nominations, Elections, and Vacancies

Please refer to the by-laws for more details.

Section 3: Nominations

The board must appoint a nominations committee of 5 to 11 members by May 1 in election years, ensuring fair representation of the Co-op’s service areas. Board members and officers are excluded from serving on this committee.

By June 1, the committee must post a list of director nominees at the Co-op’s main office. Members can submit additional nominations with 15 signatures by July 15, which the Secretary will also post.

Members interested in running may submit a letter of interest before May 28th to be nominated by the Nominating Committee and send it to [email protected] or mail it to PO Box 308, Onaway, Michigan 49765-0308. They can also file a petition with the signatures of 15 members no later than July 15th. Petitions can be mailed to PO Box 308, Onaway, Michigan 49765-0308, or emailed to [email protected].

The Secretary will include all nominations in the meeting notice, noting the number of directors to be elected. Additional nominations may be made from the floor during the meeting.

If directors are removed, replacements can be elected without following these procedures. Election validity is not affected by noncompliance with these provisions.

Section 4: Elections

Directors are elected by a plurality of votes cast. Tie votes are resolved by drawing lots.

Section 5: Vacancies

Vacancies on the Board may be filled by majority vote of the remaining directors. Appointed directors serve until the next annual meeting or until their successors are elected and qualified. As a cooperative, PIE&G is guided by a board of directors elected by and from its membership. The nine-member board sets policy and directs PIE&G’s President/CEO. Directors are elected to staggered three-year terms in conjunction with the annual annual meeting.

Board Meeting Schedule

Regular board meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month at the PIE&G corporate office.

Any exception or special meetings will be posted on our News page.