Capital Credits from the mid-1980’s to be retired

At their regular meeting in April, PIE&G’s board of directors took action to retire capital credits in the amount of approximately $1.225 million.  Members who received electric service in 1984 and 1986-1988 will receive an amount of the above in proportion to their energy use.  Checks will be mailed in the fall of 2016.

PIE&G is a member-owned, not-for-profit organization.  When revenues exceed expenses, the co-op generates “capital” that is “credited” to individual members on a pro rata basis depending on their “patronage” or purchase of electricity or gas.

These capital credits are used to build the facilities needed to serve the co-op’s members.  Capital credits are retired and refunded whenever the board of directors determines that the co-op’s financial condition will not be impaired.  Since its inception, the co-op has retired and refunded approximately $10.8 million in capital credits back to members.