PIE&G’s Member Service Reps have recently received a few member inquiries regarding suspicious phone calls. Several members reported receiving a call to offer a discount to them “because of (their) good credit history”. Several other members reported calls claiming their account was “up for disconnection if payment wasn’t made immediately over the phone” by the member to the person calling.
PIE&G wants you to know that neither of these types of calls originated with your co-op. Most of our member communication is in writing – by postcard, letter, newsletter in your monthly billing (“The Spotlight”), and in Country Lines magazine. Also, if you enrolled in PIE&G’s SmartHub notifications, we will communicate electronically according to your preferences (text or email) regarding your account. We also post news and articles on this website (pieg.com) and on Facebook.
Occasionally, we will make automated recorded calls to update you for planned outages, power restorations, or for payment reminders. If PIE&G must initiate phone contact, we will identify ourselves. The MPSC has recently reported an increase in complaints about phone scams that also include instances where callers manipulate caller ID to make it appear as if a utility company is making the call — commonly referred to as caller ID spoofing.
PIE&G will never call you to ask for personal information such as bank or credit card numbers or your social security number. We offer secure phone or online payment options that are only initiated by you. Many members simply mail their payment to us.
Finally, our Energy Optimization partners will occasionally contact members on our behalf about special energy efficiency programs being offered. They may send a pre-approved letter or postcard, and they may follow up by a phone call. However, if you have any suspicions about the legitimacy of any phone call or written communications you may receive, please don’t fall victim to a possible scam. Instead, hang up and call us to verify if the contact is bona fide.
If you have any questions about your PIE&G account, please call us directly to inquire. We’re available Monday – Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm at (989) 733-8515 or toll- free 1-800-423-6634. We’re here to help.