Approximately 400 people attended Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op’s 82nd Annual Membership Meeting at the Onaway High School today. According to Board Chair John Brown, “The annual meeting is a great example of cooperative principles in action. Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members. Members have equal voting rights “one member, one vote -and co-ops are organized in a democratic manner.”
Each year elections are held for three (3) positions on the PIE&G Board of Directors. After all ballots were counted, members approved all five of the bylaw amendments and the successful candidates winning election to three-year terms (2019-2022) are: Kurt Krajniak (incumbent, Alpena District), Brentt Lucas (incumbent, Alpena District) and Raymond Wozniak (incumbent, Presque Isle District).
The number of votes that each candidate received is as follows:
Alpena District:
(two vacancies)
Kurt Krajniak
Brentt Lucas
Howard Lumsden
Darrell Spragg
Presque Isle District:
(one vacancy)
Gary Shepherd
Raymond Wozniak
Immediately following the meeting, the board of directors held their election of officers and the results are: Chair -John Brown; Vice-Chair -Allan Berg; Secretary -Sandy Borowicz; and Treasurer -Charles Arbour.
The winner of the $100 prize raffle for voting by mail was Ronald A. Skiera of Lachine. In other business, members heard reports from the cooperative’s auditor and Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Sobeck.
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