Before You Dig, contact MISS DIG – 1-800-482-7171 or dial 811
MISS DIG is a convenient method of notification for anyone who plans to excavate, tunnel, drill, bore, or discharge explosives. Under Michigan’s law and Federal regulations, it is your responsiblity to notify utilities prior to any planned excavation.
PIEG has underground and overhead electric lines, as well as an underground natural gas distribution system. You must call MISS DIG three (3) working days before you dig.
We will identify our underground facilities using red flags for electric and yellow flags for natural gas.
When planning work that could involve equipment coming in contact with overhead electric lines, protective measures must be taken. This is to maintain clearance between wires and equipment per State and Federal safety standards. The distances can vary between 10′ and 33′. If you are in doubt, call MISS DIG. PIEG will dispatch a representative to meet you at the location specified. The PIEG representative will check the electric lines in the vicinity of your work and advise you of the voltages involved and distance required.
Failure to contact MISS DIG may result in you being liable for damages to PIEG facilities.