Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue to generously assist area community organizations and individuals through the voluntary round up of their electric and natural gas billings. Member contributions to the Communities First Fund provide funds for grants and scholarships in their local communities within the PIE&G service area. At their December meeting, the PIE&G Communities First Fund board of directors awarded $12,000 in grants to the recipients below.
Cheboygan County
Straits Area Service Inc. ($2,000) – Straits Area Service, Inc. (SAS) is a non-profit organization serving individuals with disabilities since 1976. SAS was awarded funds for their Community Integration Project, and plans to purchase a 12-14 passenger bus to transport clients so they may participate in local programs related to the arts, culinary, adult enrichment, and for work and volunteering opportunities.
Montmorency County
Montmorency County Commission on Aging ($5,000) – the Montmorency County Commission on Aging (MCCOA) was awarded funds to assist in kitchen upgrades at the Senior Centers in Atlanta and Hillman. At the Atlanta Senior Center, funds will be used to purchase a natural gas range and oven with 10 burners. A dishwasher will be purchased at the Hillman Senior Center. These Centers offer congregate dine-in nutrition services four days per week and home delivered meals seven days a week. A total of 36,882 meals were prepared in 2017.
Presque Isle County
Great Lakes Lore Maritime Museum, Inc. ($1,000) – Funds were awarded toward the purchase of a suitable trailer to haul the historical, one-of-a-kind “Steam Launch” steam engine. The twenty-four foot long Steam Launch dates back to the early 1900’s and is one of only three known to have been built. The GLL Maritime Museum transports the Steam Launch to local parades, shows, and festivals. The new trailer will ensure that the Steam Launch can be towed safely for display at these events. The trailer will also allow the engine to be launched into the water for demonstrations.
Peace Lutheran Church (1,000) – The Peace Lutheran Church (PLC) received funds for their Peace Hygiene Project, which serves about 42 individuals each month. The Peace Hygiene Project stocks personal hygiene items for those in need in the community. Funds will be used to purchase shampoo, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, toilet paper, laundry soap, and dish soap.
Rogers City Community Theatre, Inc. ($3,000) – The Roger City Community Theatre (RCCT) is a non-profit, volunteer run organization committed to enriching the lives of northeast Michigan residents and its visitors through entertainment. The RCCT grant will support the production of ‘Shrek – The Musical’. The Shrek script allows for casting of actors from 14 to 99 years of age, and was chosen to help renew the RCCT’s commitment to reaching people of all ages.